We offer off-site wildlife programs to any age group or organization. Each program lasts one hour and can be tailored to fit your schedule. With the aid of our Educational Ambassadors, we would love to educate and share our knowledge of wildlife rehabilitation and conservation. Our Educational Ambassadors are formerly wild animals – which due to various circumstances cannot be released. So, they now dedicate their lives to educating our community in southwestern Virginia. Be sure to scroll all the way down on this page to see photos of our amazing ambassadors.
We commonly give programs to schools, youth and civic groups, Boy and Girl Scouts, nature clubs (bird clubs, Virginia Master Naturalists, etc.), veterinary programs, and more!
To submit a request for a program, please email us at swvawildlifecenter.edu@gmail.com to get in touch with our education team.
Please include the following:
5985 Coleman Road, Roanoke, VA 24018